Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My journal thought for the day

Where am I going in life? Do you ever stop and ask yourself that? I think I do that too much. It's crazy being an artist because I feel like there's so many different routs I could take in my future, but then there are many limitations. I want to make the right decisions but are the decisions always the right decision anyways. Either way you end up learning from whatever choice you make. It may be a positive situation that will bring you joy. Or it could be a decision that dose not turn out so great but, maybe it will help you to apperciate the better things in your life. It's like you can't really apperciate the Spring without going through the long dreary Winter. I know I've made some spontaneous decisions and some bad decisions in my life, through it all the good and the bad is what made me the person I am today. I know we've all heard people say this before but I am now just really realizing it for myself and I'm looking back at my life and I am proud of the person I am today. I am defiantly not following the plan I gave myself as a teenager. I'm 26 and now where near ready to be married and I'm not in my career, YET. I will get there. I will have a career that I will be proud of. My life will be about living and not just about getting up going to work coming home make dinner and then bed. All to do it over and over for the rest of my days. My life will have routine but I promise myself to love my life and to embrace everything that comes my way.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life Drawing

This is a drawing done in pastels. Sixe is 24x18 in. I enjoy drawing realisticly as well as illustrating.

My Sketch Book Comic

This comic is about myself feeling like I have "artist block". I start doodling one of my favorite character's I draw. Then he starts talking to me, next he pulls me into my sketch book where we have a crazy fun journey through it. Meeting all my other characters I've doodled.

Imaginism Studios

I just posted a really great website of artist I can relate to their work. It's very fun and playful. It's Imaginism Studio'. There's a couple artist within this site. Recent work they have done has been creating some of the character's for the new Alice in Wonderland that's coming out this weekend. The site is really worth checking out. Have fun!

Work in Progress

As of now I am still working on Dragon Dude. I am in the process of adding Motion Capture to him. This means to download already made biped movements. Or in English, skeleton's that are in motion and then adding that to your own biped to do that motion. It's a really cool process when it works. I have my guy walking, doing a little dance and looking around himself. I am having problems trying to keep the figure as one complete piece though. As of now parts of his leg and arms have crazy pieces sticking out of him. I am working on fixing it but it's bit more of a technical issue. Once I have that taken care of I will post the animation... hopefully. :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bipeg Fun

This is so complaicating trying to add a bipeg to my character. I am having a very frustrating time today! I have been growling at my computer trying to move every flangie in their proper place in the hands and the feet. I need a good tuitorial.

Friday, February 12, 2010

How Athena turned out

Remember this was my first model. Be kind it's not easy. I think she could pass as a Gumbie character. But this was a great learning experience.

Dragon Dude

I had a couple of bumps in the road modeling and trying different approaches. Here's where I am at now. I have to say, I am really proud of myself. I am patting myself on the back for the moment because I am not a computer savvy person. But I am trying. Now I am at the point to add a bipig. Which looks like adding a skeleton to the figure so I will be able to animate him. I hope to make him walk around and swing his arms all fluently. Hopefully :)

Here we go!

It's a new character, I new project. This time will be good. I hope. By building a model you create it first by shapes. I use a box shape and then you extrude the shape to add to it and model it.

Dragon Dude Sketch

Now I am trying to model a new character. This guy I am just calling him dragon dude for now. I just haven't come up with a good name for him yet. He is actually a charcter I created from my comic "My Sketch Book". I'll post my comic soon for all to read. It is one of my favorits. For now I want to try to animate my dragon dude. I'll post what I have done so far and continue to post my journey to the end of the project. There are good days and not so good days. I'll warn you I may take my frustration out on my blogs. So it should be interesting to listen to me rant and rave and yell out weird names as a way to swear but still keep this PG.

Athena the Swimmer! Protecter of the ocean from man polluting her!

I want to get you up to date to my time learning 3ds Max and all the madness it has created for me. Athen the Swimmer is my first character I tried to model. I didn't realize that making a human figure was an ambishist task. This program is not an easy one to learn. The movie Avatar used this program to help create it. So it can make some amazing stuff. It's just getting over the "learning curve" my professor tells me is the thing. Right now, I am just barley up the first hill in the massive loop d loop learning curve and have many more hills to climb It's gonna be a journey.


I love making portraits. Even though it may be over done and many artist make portraits, but there's something about the human form that I just love to capture. The eyes are my favorite. That is why I choose to draw Audry Hepburn. She had the most amazing eye's and brows!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Welcome to my blog!!! Check out my art and tell me what you think!